Create an amazing kids bedroom

Children have limitless imaginations. You child’s bedroom is their sanctum, their own private space. A kids bedroom should both feed that incredible imagination as well as be an expression of it. So, when you design a room for your child, you should definitely have his input. You may also want to consider things like function – how the space will be used. You should also think about whether you want this space to be able to grow with him/her or whether you are up for a redesign at every new stage of his development. No matter what you decide, here are some tips to help you design an amazing room for your child.

First Consider Age

Children have different needs at different stages of development. A toddler or pre-school aged child needs lots of floor space. While you will want some furnishings, perhaps soft furnishings like cushions, you will also want a wide open space on a carpeted floor where they can pull out toys and play. An early school-aged child up to age 11 will still want room to play, but will also need space to work on school work. A solid desk and some shelves are appropriate at this stage. An older child is preparing for the adult world and as a result may want his room to more closely resemble an adult space. At all ages, a quality set of blinds can blend in with the décor and promote the restful sleep all children require.

While there are things that you may change in the decor over time such as toys, and accessories, there are somethings that can be neutral enough to stay in the space no matter how it changes over time. Items such as a bed, shelves, desk and even blinds can stay in the changing space if you have made sure to purchase good quality.

Choosing a Colour Scheme

This is the part most children truly adore. They have the opportunity to express themselves and surround themselves with things that they love. You may want to do something simple like only choosing a colour scheme. This will allow you to change things like bed sheets and accessories as they age rather than going through a full scale transformation. Larger items such as furnishings and wall colours can be anchors around which the rest of the landscape changes. Colours and textures can be layered through area rugs, soft furnishings and draperies.

For a young child, sometimes it can be fun to choose a theme like a favorite story, character or interest. Just be aware that when you get specific in this way, your child’s interests are likely to change over time, necessitating a change in décor as well.

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Don’t Be Afraid to Be Bold

Your child has only one childhood. Decorating his room is one way to make it memorable. With that in mind, don’t be afraid to be bold. While you may want to take into considerations that will likely be made as your child ages, that should in no way prevent you from creating the room of his dreams. If he loves outer space, why not paint the night sky on his ceiling complete with glow-in-the-dark stars? Is her favorite colour purple? You could find a shade that you will both enjoy for the walls and then use items like the bedhead, blinds and cushions to add depth and variety to the colour scheme. If the shade she likes is too bold, use it to paint one wall for an accent and then paint the other walls a complimentary colour.

How Will the Space Be Used?

As fun as decorating is, you cannot overlook function. Your child’s bedroom has a purpose and often more than one. Those purposes are to meet his developmental and creative needs.

  1. First and foremost, he must have a place to sleep. After all, what are bedrooms for?
  2. He must have a space to work. A school aged child will need a desk, but even a toddler should have an appropriately-sized table at which to colour and play. Depending on your child’s interests, he may need space to work on art projects, puzzles or games. His desk may be suitable. If not, consider a dedicated area for his extracurricular pursuits.
  3. There should be a place to read. While many children read on their beds, you could have a designated reading area with a chair and lamp. You could also create a nook for reading which can also serve double-duty for hiding or playing pretend. Provide cushions for getting comfortable. You could even have a hammock. There really are no rules.
  4. Don’t overlook storage. Your child needs a place to keep belongings such as books, toys and clothing. This not only provides him with storage but a place to put things when he is done using them. Nothing makes a space feel more uncomfortable than clutter.
  5. Finally, your child will likely want to invite friends over. Having additional seating or multiple chairs at the table makes for a space where friends feel welcome.

Everything should be accessible to your child so that he is able to use and maintain the space themselves. The child should be able to open and close the blinds on their own, reach shelves, use drawers, and so on. He/She should feel confident moving about and using the space on their own. Then, at the very least, he’s got no excuse for not keeping it tidy.


There are two schools of thought on furnishings. The first is that you will probably replace your child’s furnishings at least once during his childhood. When this is the case, you can feel free to be a bit more creative with furnishings during the earlier part of his childhood and then be more conservative with the furnishings you get as he grows older. For example, you might allow your toddler to have the blinds with the frog print on them. When he/she gets older, he may prefer a more mature solid colour or simple, dignified pattern. A toddler may want a bed that is made to look like a car. But as he gets older, may prefer a normal bed with a more classic bedhead.

The second school of thought is that larger items such as a bed, dresser and desk should be purchased with the idea of serving your child throughout his childhood. If you purchase well-made items in a classic style, they should last. As his tastes grow and evolve, you can exchange smaller-ticket items like bedding, cushions and even blinds.


Accessories are the smaller items that add to the overall interest of the room. This may include light fixtures and lamps, door knobs and drawer pulls, sheets, soft furnishings such as cushions, and window treatments such as curtains or blinds. Accessories may grow with your child or may be switched out. They are far easier and less costly to change than furnishings. You could change the whole feel of a room by repainting, buying new bedding and switching out wall hangings.

You only get to be a child once. It is a magical time when your freedom from responsibility can allow you to grow, explore the world, create and discover who you are. You are allowed to develop passions, read and become who you are meant to be. A child’s bedroom is the space where much of this magic happens. Giving your child an amazing bedroom is just one way to foster that magic.

Call the team and Stella Curtains & Blinds to arrange your appointment with one of our friendly Interior Decorators.

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